Mikoko Pamoja is a community-led mangrove conservation and restoration project based in southern Kenya, and the world's first blue carbon project. Its aim is to provide long-term incentives for mangrove protection and restoration through community involvement and benefit.


Benefits that Mikoko Pamoja provides



Start date 2010
Certified beneath PV Climate Version 4
Coordinator Association for Coastal Ecosystem Services (ACES)
Activities Afforestation/Reforestation
Avoided deforestation
Participants 1081 households
PVCs issued to-date 20,095

2023 UN Person of the Year Award
2017 UN Equator Prize



The detail

Mikoko Pamoja is a community-led mangrove conservation and restoration project in Gazi Bay, Kenya. It involves both the prevention of deforestation of the local mangrove forest, as well community-based reforestation. The project also supports community development projects such as provision of schoolbooks, construction of school buildings and the provision of clean drinking water.

Mangroves provide a wide range of services and benefits to both the environment and the surrounding community. These include coastal protection, nursery habitat for fish including many species fished by the surrounding communities, water purification, improving biodiversity and sequestering large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. By raising income from forest resources, including carbon credits and other income-generating activities such as beekeeping and ecotourism, the project safeguards these benefits for the local community and for future generations.

The project is managed by three groups: The Mikoko Pamoja Community Organization (MPCO) consists of representatives of Gazi Bay, specifically Gazi and Makongeni villages; The Mikoko Pamoja Steering Group (MPSG) which provides technical support to the MPCO; and the project coordinator, The Association for Coastal Ecosystem Services (ACES), a charity registered in Scotland. You can support Mikoko Pamoja's work by donating to or buying carbon credits through ACES.


The documents




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SDG details

See how the project provides benefits beyond carbon and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goal How the project contributes
  • Minimum 70% of PES income directly received by communities.
  • Funds democratically controlled by local people to meet local priorities.
  • Community woodlots provide essential timber and fuelwood for communites as an alternative to mangrove extraction.
  • Funds used by communities to provide village schools with equipment and carry out school building repairs.
  • Supports Kenyan university students to strengthen scientific capacity.
  • Partners with primary and secondary schools to educate local children on the importance of mangroves and climate.
  • The project requires that the Community Organisation has a minimum of 40% representation by women.
  • PES income from this project has been used by participating communities to fund a water and sanitation project which now cleans water for two villages, thereby reducing the instance of waterborne diseases.
  • Mangroves are among the most carbon dense forest ecosystems and provide long term carbon storage above and below ground. This carbon is in danger of being released if mangroves are not protected.
  • Mangroves provide protection against the effects of climate change, for example protecting shorelines against rising sea levels and buffering the effects of extreme weather events.
  • Protection and restoration of mangroves provides critical habitat for marine communities, and enhances fishery grounds for local communities.
  • 5614 mangrove seedlings planted to date, helping to stabilise the shoreline and reduce coastal erosion.
  • Degraded areas left barren after commercial cutting restored ecological health.
  • Illegal mangrove cutting is reduced by the presence of community scouts and the construction of a surveillance tower.
  • The Mikoko Pamoja Community Organisation works with local government and Non-Governmental Organisations.
  • This project is influencing national approaches to forest conservation in Kenya.