Trees for Global Benefits (TGB) is a long-running cooperative carbon offsetting scheme in Uganda which combines community-led activities to increase carbon sequestration, encourage sustainable land-use practices, and provide farmers with performance-based payments.


Benefits that Trees for Global Benefits provides



Start date 2003
Certified beneath PV Climate Version 4
Coordinator ECOTRUST
Activities Afforestation/Reforestation
Assisted natural regeneration
Improved land management
Participants 26,468 smallholder families
PVCs issued to-date 3,890,163
UN SEED Award 2013



The detail

The project operates as a market-based solution that reduces unsustainable exploitation of forest resources and the decline of ecosystem quality, while diversifying and increasing incomes for rural farmers and their families.

TGB combines carbon sequestration with rural livelihood improvements through small-scale, farmer-led, agroforestry projects and ecosystem services by linking rural farmers to the international ecosystem service markets. The TGB scheme operates as a Programme of Activities (PoA), to enable scaling up through the design of new activities and the recruitment of new farming communities.

In addition to farmers’ direct payments for planting trees and climate mitigation, the project contributes to income stability, food security, and fuel security at community level.

Their latest digital innovation allows you to take a virtual tour of the smallholder land types.



The documents




See all documents





SDG details

See how the project provides benefits beyond carbon and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goal How the project contributes
  • Strengthens land tenure rights by supporting local community groups to acquire formal titles of communal forest ownership.
  • Smallholders undertake agroforestry, bee keeping and improved forest management activities benefit from greater food and income security.
  • Community Carbon Fund is established to fund community development projects and support investment in alternative income generating activities.
  • The project partners with World Vision and USAID to deliver HIV/AIDS initiatives to rural communities.
  • The Solvatten Solar Safe Jerry Can initiative launched in 2016 to provide safe drinking water and tackle outbreaks of water borne diseases.
  • Enables farmers to access energy efficient cook stoves at a subsidised price by registering an improved cook stoves project under the UN’s CDM Improved Cook stoves for East Africa Programme.
  • Partners with UNDP to help communities adapt to climate change by developing local adaptation plans which focus on watershed protection and biodiversity conservation activities in addition to carbon sequestration.
  • Over 2 million trees planted to date.
  • Reforestation using threatened native tree species supports biodiversity conservation and promotes habitat connectivity.
  • Reduces pressure on adjacent protected forests by providing alternate wood sources for use by surrounding communities.
  • Partners with Mbale Coalition Against Poverty to deliver the Government of Wales ’Ten Million Trees’ project.
  • Partners with IUCN as part of the ‘Shared Resources, Joint Solutions’ Initiative to increase the capacity and influence of local NGO’s in promoting sustainable development solutions and climate resilience.